Sure, the War of the Worlds scenario. And don't get me wrong: I absolutely love War of the Worlds with an absolute fanboy passion.
But there's a problem with that.
Much as we have demonstrated ourselves that lust for another world's resources combined with an insurmountable technology gap is an absolute disaster, we do have to recognize at this point that aliens, if they exist, will not be from Mars.
They'll be from other stars, best case scenario, and other galaxies worst case.
Even if we assume near perfection in energy technology on their part, quick back-of-the envelope calculations give us some idea of the extreme logistics of launching fleets across that kind of distance. Simply put, aliens, if they ever reach us, will already need to have figured out how to guzzle the kind of volume of resources that our planet alone would not help with. Think about how much oil it takes us to launch a full-scale invasion of a distant land, and now imagine that the objective is more like North Sentinel Island off of India. There's no way. And that's really the only reason we leave North Sentinel Island to do its own thing. And that's what I think the aliens' interest would be with us: we'd have no interest to them at all.