Well, here's the thing, killing and "homophobia" is two WAYYYY different things.
First, let's talk about your version of homophobia. I see you view it as people who don't believe the same as you on it?
True homophobia: (here's an example:) you've been friends with someone for a while, you tell them you're gay and they instantly don't wanna be your friend anymore. THAT is homophobia.
Fake homophobia: you think homophobia is someone who doesn't believe the same as you, but they'll stick around even if you're gay.
That ISNT homophobia.
Next, difference between murder and homophobia: I think you know a HUGE difference in between those two. One is illegal by LITERALLY taking someone's life. And, homophobia, you don't take their life.
Do you get it a lil more now?