"I mean what's wrong with American culture?"
Nothing, I enjoy American culture very much. Fourth of July is my favorite holiday. Family gatherings, barbecued hotdogs, steaks, hamburgers, chicken, ribs, (I love the smell of summer barbecue), football, fireworks. To me, that is the quintessence of American culture. Big gatherings, big celebrations, lots of fireworks.
What I like, is learning what holidays other cultures practice that give them that same feeling that 4th of July gives me. I like to share in that joy with other people. I like to see them that happy for other reasons than what I have.
American Culture also has great music, leads the world in the movie industry which is the Avatar of American Culture. Star Wars? Yup. Godfather, Disney, all trademarks of American Culture. I love westerns too. My favorite is "A Few Dollars More."
But what I don't like from the conservative court, is that we should reject the cultures that other people bring to this country. This country was intended to be a place of free ideas. Not one of exclusion or conformity to a certain set of ideas.