I wouldn't say he's a villain, his intentions are good, but his execution is sometimes... bad.
He does show remorse though and usually tried to fix his mistakes.
I actually want to develop his character more but this is just his basic personality concepts rn. They usually develop when I write about them, but they sometimes develop when I rp too. Lg's feeling like the latter.
[Lg began to head off to his lab, followed by Tora.]
Tora, to Mucky: You run now, he's a slow runner.
Lg: I heard that.
Tora: Shut up, what you do is illegal anyway.
[Lg casually waved a hand.] "What I do is perfectly legal Tora's just a stick in the mud about things. You'll be fine." [Tora snorted.] "Yeah, aside from a few 'side effects'"
[Lg led Mucky to a medium-sized room on the second floor of the building. It was nicely decorated, and it definitely had a sci-fi feel to it. Lg led Mucky to the chair in the middle. It was like the chairs in the dentists, only more comfortable. Tora pointed at the exit door frantically.]
"Now, this is how it will work, I'll give you these," [Lg grabs a canister of pills ((Like the ones at CVS)),] "And you will take two a day, one during the morning and one at night. Is that acceptable?"
[Lg waited until he was gone, then pressed a button on the cabinet. It morphed into a supercomputer, with many screens and cameras. Lg ran his paw over the keyboard, a happy look on his visor. He was clearly proud of it.]
[Lg wrote something in the old notebook, then carefully placed it back in the drawer it appeared from.] "Get worse every day," [The protogen muttered,] "But onto more pressing matters, anything happen to you yet?"
[Lg mumbled something, the symbols on his shoulders and head glitching, as well as his cracked visor. He shone the flashlight behind the door of the room.]
[Lg took out the notepad he was writing on in the first place, flipped through the pages, and handed Mucky the notepad. It was filled with medical conditions and 'Spiritual' Conditions.] "Highlight any of these conditions you have," [Lg said, handing Mucky a purple highlighter.]
[Lg stood up and gave Mucky the pill bottle and smiled.] "That feeling should fade within a couple of hours. I'll let you go for now, but remember to take one in the morning and one at night, and I'll see you in a couple of weeks."