Also, just because someone is right wing doesn't mean they're a member of the republican party; they could be a part of a 3rd party organization or something and still be right wing
1. just because the name is changed doesnt mean that it isnt the republican party also StOP MOVInG ThE GoAL POSTS, we are talking about america not germany.
That's not moving the goalposts, that's providing an example. Also, all right wingers aren't members of the republican party. Moving the goalposts would be changing the focal point of the argument from media source/media to media outlet.
2. using your own source it is extremly far "right" due to the overton window not many would accept or support it, me saying "no(body)" would support it is a hyperbole but never theless most would not.
Evidence? It never says it's due to the overton window on the source I provided you.
3. it has to do with the fact that the website dylan was on is not popular and is extreme.
So? That doesn't take away from the fact that it was still a right wing media source
4. he cant be influenced by a right wing media "outlet" if it isnt a media outlet
Media isn't necessarily media outlet dumbass, it could be media sources or social media not media outlet