Epic, Shaun. 😎
So is the actual Court transcript 😂
The latest, in a Pennsylvania court:
Judge: “Are you claiming there there is any fraud..?”
Trump lawyer: “To my knowledge, at present, no.”
Judge: “Are you claiming that there is any undue or improper influence upon the elector...?”
Trump lawyer: “To my knowledge, at present, no.”
In another court, Trump lawyers were conceding (as they were admitting what flimsy evidence they had) that all these supposed affidavits were mostly lies, or incapable of being corroborated. So the judge then threw out the evidence moments later.
Trump’s lawyers at the end of the day still have to respect their oath and don’t want to be disbarred for fabricating evidence.
That’s the problem when the rubber finally hits the road. Lawyers don’t want to lose their license lying for Trump and witnesses don’t want to go to jail for perjury. The few witnesses that did testify in court confessed that they didn’t know if there was any fraud and recanted in cross examination. One even laughed, admitting it was just political theater.
Attempting an anti-intellectual coup with the courts given the courts’ absolute loyalty to empiricism makes about as much sense as trying to eat chicken broth with a fork.