Trump gets in, it just truly shows that America is a sh!thole country, and, likely, the rest of the world will isolate and work around it - oh, wait; the rest of the world's already doing that, thanks to Trump's buffoonery.
And given the count, even if every single remaining uncounted vote yet to be counted was a vote for Trump, he still would neither have enough votes to win the popular or electoral college; Biden passed the threshold for the college, Trump's frivolous lawsuits are getting tossed by judges in courts that HE appointed almost as fast as they're filed, and how can the Repugnicans reject the vote, when the ballots were the House, Senate, and President? They accept the House and Senate calls from the same ballot they reject the President call?
Trump has a snowball's chance in hell on a particularly warm day of even gaining a small margin of votes during a recount.
And there won't be a recount.
Because Trump would have to pay for it, and he's already broke, along with his campaign being in deep financial debt.
Everything he's doing to rile up you Trump-loving morons is to supply him with enough money to pay off his bills before he's kicked out of the White House while it's fumigated and he's suddenly open to legal prosecution.
He saw each an every one of you as a bunch of marks, and played you for ignorant suckers.
And you're still letting him.
It boggles the mind, frankly.