Wash is great. Which of the twins is your favorite? Maine and Wyoming are closer to the bottom for me because I never really could like a bad guy character enough to put them on my favorites list. It’s part of the reason why I’ve only had a favorite Autobot and not a favorite con until a couple of month ago and I wouldn’t really describe Misfire as a “bad guy.” The only bad guy character I ever liked was Felix but then as time went on that quickly changed and I started to like Locus more after his redemption arc thing started. A similar thing happened with Wash lol. When I first saw the character I thought he was cool. Then it went to “he can go to H-E double hockey sticks.” Then he quickly skyrocketed to one of my favorite characters being tied with Caboose.
Yeah South is just, South. I just realized when things go wrong people say that they went south. So maybe that’s why she’s called South and her brother is called North? Idk.
Caboose reminds me of a dog. His mentality and his thought process.