no no no no no no no. Minecraft is better than Among us. Can you build in among us? No. Can you build a house in Among us? no. Among us is a fun game to play, it just can't be compared to Minecraft. Also Among us servers can only hold up to 10 people on a server without any mods. Regular Minecraft servers can hold up to 20 people. Minecraft has music that can change emotions depending on the biome, weather, and event. Most of are famous like Subwoofer lullaby, haggstrom, Minecraft, and one of the best is Mice on Venus. Now Among us does not have music other than the main menu theme. Compare that to the 39,767.7563 miles that Minecraft has in a world that is loaded. Among us a fraction, a way smaller miniscule than a fraction, about not even 1 or 2 miles long. Among us may be good, but Minecraft will always stay in my heart, even after 10 years since it died down, I will still play it.