but the only OC's with offically, is just Cloudy and Stick danny... With the exepction of Blue shipping fireball and lit, and my frined shipping Lit and weenie burger- COME ON GUYS-
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even though Mixmellow and Cream has a crush on each other but seriously, why ship the others?
[deleted] M
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the lit and weenie burger ship- maybe it cant be ul cocoa and weenie because ul cocoa is with vinny. lit and fireball- just stop- they are fwiends-
Painty and Pumpkin- just two wholesome OCs
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Stickdanny and Cloudy is fine
Weenie Burger x Lit is what I don’t know about..
Painty and Pumpkin sounds right cuz they are forgotten OCs.
Weenie Burger x Underlust would doubt awkward now since she’s with someone.
[deleted] M
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what would ship name for weenie burger and lit be even-
Lit Burger- XDDDDD *loud wheezing in ideas*
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Weenie Burger:T_T come on guys, she just won a fight and made me do stuff to her..
[deleted] M
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Fox: Oh yeah-
0 ups, 4y
Fireball:Cloudy’s still a mayor of OC City... right?
[deleted] M
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MY Friend: It doesnt F**KING MATTER! LOVE AT FIRST FIGHT! *loud squaking*
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Weenie Burger:*jumps out of window*
Fireball:there he goes....
[deleted] M
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Fox: Yeah she is.
0 ups, 4y
Fireball:just wondering since the main account got deleted... if only there was a chance to get that back..
[deleted] M
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Fox: Well, im still the owner so course there is.
0 ups, 4y
Weenie Burger:screw this, I’m heading to the club *walks away* https://imgflip.com/i/4dnv4t
Fireball:I’m just gonna do the same stuff at Cloudy with Lit in front of Stickdanny again..
[deleted] M
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Fox: *deep sigh* I can see it working out, but then i cant. Shit.
0 ups, 4y
Fireball:I guess he only wants to take panties and bras... and maybe head to the OC City strip club...
Stickdanny:that’s still open? I thought Mayor Cloudy and he assistant shut it down..