Oke first off, I'm still using Alice/Scarlett and I am NOT using Eyeless Jessica anymore, mainly because she's a copy of Eyeless Jack and I don't really wanna use her anymore
Birth Name: Isabella Cortez
Killer Name: BELLA or Bella (drowned)
Age: 13
Likes: Video Games, BEN(secretly), Anything Loz (Legend of Zelda), dark rooms (anything dark really)
Dislikes: Bullies, bright stuff (besides screens), reading (unless its for a video game)
Backstory(short): Isabella and Benjamin (BEN, because I wanted them to be friends) were best friends, they both LOVED Loz and they both didn't really like other kids. One day Ben dissapeared, and Isabella found out he was drowned, she freaked out and kinda went insane, until her other 'friend' Izzy, took her to a lake. Little did Isabella know, Izzy was part of the same cult that had Ben killed (The Moon Children, I think) and Isabella met the same fate Ben did, Izzy shoved her head underwater, not letting Isabella come up until she drowned. None of the others of the cult knew about what happened next. The moment Isabella died, BELLA was "born" (I'm bad at explaining how BEN went from being human to how he is now sooooooooooo ye).
Appearance before death: Brown hair, blue eyes and she'd constantly wear Zelda cosplay
Appearance after death: Brown hair, red and black eyes, with blood running down from them, Zelda cosplay
Yes I know she's a lot like BEN I did that for a reason