What do u even mean by that? And i am not an authoritarian. I actually tend 2 not like authority very much, b/c it’s often run by corrupt ppl.
Yeah, we are the only country that hasn’t done it. We also are the richest country that’s ever existed as well. All this so called discrimination is going on, but while black ppl complain about it, they, who make up 12-13% of the US population, would be the 6th richest country in the world if they were by themselves. Even our “mistreated” ppl r doing far better than most other countries.
Also, universal healthcare is not only other ppl overstepping boundaries, it’s them solving our problems 4 us, so we’ll b lazy.
If you want to think socialism works, look at the Native Americans. They’re a perfect example of the socialist or democrat mindset, where the ppl live off the government. And do you hear of any of them? Not often. Why? They have no motivation to work. They don’t have 2 do a thing 2 survive, & so they’re often in poverty & won’t lift a finger 2 get out of it, even though they live in a land where u can find opportunity anywhere regardless of race. This is something Democrats, leftists, and socialists, will never tell you. Their system is failing in our faces & we don’t hear of it; and so we try 2 expand it 2 the whole country.
If u want what other countries have, u will get the whole package. America right now is trying it’s best 2 become a third world country, but some are fighting back about that. Any proud American should. If the left completely takes over, we don’t have much time left b4 we’re no different than anyone else. Then WWIII could easily start if someone figures out they’re more powerful than us.