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Patriots dont post disinformation

Patriots dont post disinformation | REAL PATRIOTS DON'T POST DISINFORMATION. IF WEARING MASKS WERE NOT EFFECTIVE, YOU WOULDN'T HAVE TO POST RUSSIAN DISINFORMATION. | image tagged in us flag | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
331 views 3 upvotes Made by Patrick54 4 years ago in politics
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Saying people are not patriotic because they post information that doesn't agree with your understanding doesn't make people Russian bots or whatever it is you mean.
If mask's are the answer and effective how do you explain populations like Australia where no masks have been required and social distancing and common sense hygiene practices are what has kept the death toll to 907 deaths on a 25 million population. Is that Russian disinformation, of course not that is a fact. Not my opinion an easily verified fact. Fact is they did not need masks to control it and the boogeyman virus was there during their winter months which normally produce quite enough flu cases to require additional hospital services to be available.
So if America had the same number of deaths they would have had less than 12000 case for the U.S population. Maybe the deaths attributed to Covid are inaccuarate in the U.S or mask maybe just don't work. So much anomoly in the actual statistics around the world and when taken on face value it becomes clear that maks haven't worked in the U.S or the numbers we are told are covid are wrong.
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misinformation* But, sensible. If masks aren't effective, why do medical professionals use them?
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They are CONSTANTLY around all sorts of illnesses and their masks are properly filtered and sterilized. Useless control masks are good for less than 20 minutes before moisture causes the fibers to expand, preventing effectiveness. It also forces the wearer to breathe their own CO2 and bacteria.

Wear a mask if you feel you're at risk. But since they are useless, don't force everyone to wear one who is not guilty of having the virus.
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Masks aren't to prevent the one wearing them from getting sick, they're to prevent the person they're speaking to from getting sick.

If you're talking to someone without a mask, you're facing them, breathing right in their direction. Wear a mask? the breath goes out both sides, away from the person you're speaking to. Six feet is an added measure to reduce the risk of you potentially passing a virus you don't know you have onto them.

Why are anti-maskers so focused on the concept of the mask protecting them? When, that's not what masks are for in the case of a pandemic? Hmm.
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I’m innocent until proven guilty. I don’t have the virus, nor do the vast majority. We’ve never forced masks for these things unless we’re around those of higher risk. Then I do wear a mask. But day to day? Nope. Not effective.
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Being affected with a virus is not a crime. You cannot be guilty of a crime that doesn't exist. The issue with the virus lies within its silent incubation time in which you can pass it onto another without knowing.

How do you know the person you're talking to is higher risk or not? Can you see asthma on someone? Diabetes? Hypertension? Suppressed immune systems? You wear a mask to be on the safer side of caution as you can never know.

Masks are proven effective in the prevention of spreading the virus to others when social distancing is observed.
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False. No one mentioned crimes but you. But if I don’t have the virus I don’t need to wear the mask to prevent giving the virus to others. Pure and simple.

And masks are proven ineffective and irrelevant to causing or hampering the spread.
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"I’m innocent until proven guilty. I don’t have the virus, nor do the vast majority. We’ve never forced masks for these things unless we’re around those of higher risk. Then I do wear a mask. But day to day? Nope. Not effective."

You mentioned guilt and innocence. So... crime?

Show me the science where it says masks are ineffective and irrelevant to stopping the spread of COVID and I'll show you multiple studies and health authorities that suggest otherwise.
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You read "crime" into that... No one implied crime. But the principle remains the same. I'm not carrying the virus, so by your own admission, I don't need to wear a mask, since I'm not spreading it.

Also, you said "you cannot see diabetes and other co-morbidities" (paraphrased). Likewise you cannot see who is carrying the virus... So don't make EVERYONE wear a mask due to the VERY VERY VERY VERY low chance they are carrying the virus. It makes no sense.

I'll let you google the facts about masks for yourself. Perhaps you'll learn something.
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Not exactly. You should still wear a mask as you may catch the virus and be unaware that you're carrying it. During this time you will be contagious.

I did gauge the facts about masks and they are much better about preventing the spread of the virus as opposed to not wearing one at all.

In Oregon, you have a very low chance of having the virus, but that's because everyone is following the mandate and wearing masks. Still, people as a whole would rather not take the risk and keep wearing the mask.
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Restasis Rx lied: If you counter me with evidence and science, "you'll be blocked and marked a troll."

No... I said if you keep replying with nothing of value. You've provided science that only spins the way you want to see it. I've got science, precedence, and common sense on my side.

I win.

And you're blocked... so reply all you like I won't be notified further.
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So, instead of showing me what you want to teach me, you'd rather block me? Okay. You're telling me that you don't actually have an example to provide. Got it, thanks for yielding to my point.
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Cultism... Kool-Aid... Tomayto, tomahto... You mask forcers are both.

I live in a place where masks aren't required. Of course people have those condition... not sure why you're so anti-science that you'd think they don't. More proof you're believing fantasies and not reality.

Again, no more needs to be said. You refuse to learn. No more replies since you're just spinning and spinning in circles. If you do reply on this thread, you'll be marked a troll and blocked.

Thanks though for being somewhat polite in your misinformation and not attacking and name-calling. You've got that going for you above other liberals at least.
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If you counter me with evidence and science, "you'll be blocked and marked a troll."

Um. Alright. I'm still waiting for you to disclose where you live that is so successful. If you have anything to teach, let me look at it.
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it's clear you've drunk the mask Kool-Aid and sadly live in a state where they are required. Precedence is 100% on my side and this is no different than any of those. I've literally worn a mask about 10 times (or less) and have been out and about, in stores, restaurants, etc... The times I've worn a mask have been dreadful. Hot, hard to breathe, etc... And since it's completely unnecessary 99% of the time. Then there is no reason to do so.

So you've demonstrated you're unwilling to learn and accept reality... which is your choice. Just don't try to force your choice on others with myths of "science" supporting your view.

No need to reply, this thread has reached it's limit of the "reply" button.

Have a nice day and I hope your eyes will be opened instead of your mind.
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"And since it's completely unnecessary 99% of the time. Then there is no reason to do so." So you live in a place where no one has diabetes, asthma, pulmonary complications, cardiovascular disorders, or compromised immune systems? Hm. Must be nice.

I've heard, I've listened.

The "myths of science" ... Oh boy science is the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment. This requires large samples when studies are performed to measure (in this case) the effectiveness of wearing a mask.

Let's dumb this down... by a lot.
With the scientific method, you make observations: "What do I see in nature?" Then n you think of interesting questions "Why does this pattern occur?" Formulate hypotheses "What are the general causes of the phenomenon I am wondering about?" Develop Testable Predictions "If my hypothesis is correct, then I expect a, b, and c..." Gather data to test predictions. (Relevant data can come from the literature, new observations or formal experiments. Thorough testing requires replication to verify results.) Then, Refine, Alter, or reject Hypotheses, then go back to developing testable predictions then gathering data again. Once successful, develop general theories.

Carl Sagan said
"One of the saddest lessons of history is this: if we've been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We're no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It's simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we've been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back. So the old bamboozles tend to persist as the new ones rise." - The Demon Haunted World.

Carl Sagan, if you don't know him, is a world-renowned astronomer and great advocate of science and the scientific method and in his 1995 book "Demon Haunted World" predicted that such cognitive dissonance would occur at this fundamental level.

Proper science is never Kool-aid. Cultism is.
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Not you're flipping to "wear a mask to protect yourself"... That's been the problem with this whole CDC orchestrated debacle... the changing stories to keep the fear alive.

1. Don't wear a Mask... (too many people touching their face repeatedly)
2. Wear a mask to protect yourself (well, most not afraid of catching it, so...)
3. Wear a mask to protect others! (if you don't wear a mask you're killing 20 people!)

Same with who gets COVID...

1. Kids are very low risk
2. OH MY, kids are getting it like crazy (when they were not).

So no, going to rely on common sense and continue to go maskless as much as possible. The risk of bacterial infection and too much CO2 inhalation is a far greater risk than getting COVID. Going to wisely treat this like every other virus to come along... when masks were suggested ONLY for the at risk and being around those at greater risks (in hospitals, the elderly, etc...). But for normal day to day activity, maskless is the smarter, more scientific way to go. Period.
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No, you misunderstand. I'm saying "You should still wear a mask as you may catch the virus and be unaware that you're carrying it. During this time you will be contagious." So that you prevent the spread to others.

With regard to the points you made:
1. CDC never made such a reccomendation
2. A mask, ineffective at this as it may be, is better than no protection at all.
3. This is an appeal to extremes.

1. Yes, kids can get infected. They are, however, at low risk for severe infection.
2. Yes, kids are just as susceptible to catching it as adults.

Can you point to someone who has diabetes, asthma, hypertension, or immune disorders? Can you tell the difference?

Some of these people are essential workers. How is your approach the more common sense scientific approach? It seems to me like one of intentional ignorance.
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Your comprehension of the situation leaves much to be desired if you think I treat the virus like a crime.

Silent Incubators? Not everyone has that choice, pal. Move beyond your own limited perceptions of the world.

... Why do you know so much about lifetime movies? Something you wanna tell us?

Indeed it is a fun game. Let's play "What's my privilege?" The game where you recognize your privilege then try to imagine what others need to do to stay healthy. Oh wait... You can't do that. You're a simp.

So, let's take a stroll.
Maybe: They can't afford grocery/food/prescription delivery, maybe they have partners who are required to work out of the home, maybe their partners are "essential workers" maybe their kids now have to go to schools because the President thought it would be a good idea to open up schools again. Could be any number of reasons. Just use that tiny, uneducated brain of yours and think.

How effective are masks? Go blow out a candle with your mask and tell me how much air flow you put out. I'll wait.
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Rational Resistance said "I am innocent until proven guilty." So there's that mention of crime.

How is it ironic if he's asking you how you know about Lifetime movies? How is that a narrow perception? Seems to me like he's asking for clarification so you can expand on it. Your claim is invalid. Given the context, I would say the "us" is anyone paying attention to the thread.

Deflection in 3....2....1... [Reads your bit about the privilege card.]

Claiming that someone has privilege is not an insult.

So, when someone says to you that you can't think for yourself beyond your own perception, it is them who actually can't think beyond their own perception? More projecting? Really?

I remember why I stopped talking to you. I couldn't help but feel bad for how ... Well, pathetic is cliche... But... You're just too easy a mark. You're like one of those 3x3 square puzzles you play with as a six year old. Fun at first, but once you figure it out, it's quite boring. I'ts just the same thing over and over again.

Let me know when you get some new material. Restasis nailed this one on the head. You're manipulable, and predictable.

Moving on.
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So, you mock the notion of thinking the children. Are you suggesting that the children shouldn't be taken into consideration when they take up nearly a fourth of the US Population? Wow.

I help these "Bubble boys" for a living, by the way.

Calling someone a Virtue Signaler is an embarrassing way to call someone out for having empathy.

LIfe is risk.

Work is mitigating the risk.

You can in this case, by applying a piece of cloth to your face for the small interaction you have with the public. Unless you work in the public.If you work in the public and hate wearing masks as a requirement, find a new job. That's what's great about having the privilege of choice.

"Maybe: there are adverse affects from improperly wearing masks long term. Maybe breathing in our own expelled CO2, in much higher concentrations than is normal, for 8-10-12 or more hours a day, every day, has deleterious affects that we aren't even aware of.

Maybe using masks over and over again, without cleaning them and without properly fitting them, is far riskier than Covid-19. Maybe we'll see a whole host of long term, unforeseen consequences to breathing in dirty, bacteria-laden air all day long. Maybe just uncovering your face for a single breath completely neutralizes the mask."

Sorry, I had to put quotes around this to quote something else. The context being that nearly every health organization says that masks do not cause these problems. But, to more accurately reply to this, allow me to cite something else:

"As they say, kid, if ifs and buts were candies and nuts, what a wonderful world this would be."

As for people who have Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, the CDC has declared the approval of not using a mask. Asthma and others are not excuses for not using a mask. With asthma, you're supplied with a rescue inhaler.

"Maybe your eyes...which ALSO have mucous membranes...significantly reduces the effect of a mask." Omg lol. From who, you? Or others? Because I've heard of this invention called a face shield that store clerks us

"Maybe the masks don't actually work much at all, and the only actual benefit is a placebo effect for moral busybodies who want to signal how virtuous they are to their neighbors and guilt and shame others because it makes them feel better about themselves."

So why do you feel guilty?
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You know, I checked out Oregon, they're practicing their shit quite well and they're virtually non-existent on the COVID tracker at

What's even better? They've had protests/riots in Portland all summer and they're still doing better than places ran by *gasp* republicans!!
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I'm not the one who politicized the virus. *shrug* As the Trump administration says:

It is what it is.
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Message received, you surrender.
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Don't need to. The masks are not for preventing you from getting sick.
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Am I the one who needs to pay attention when Rational Resistance said:

"Wear a mask if you feel you're at risk. But since they are useless, don't force everyone to wear one who is not guilty of having the virus."
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message received, you surrender.
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I find it amusing you're complaining about the inability to think critically when I said "Medical Professionals." Not surgeons. You're appealing to extremes. Stop it. Get help.
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Those knee-jerk responses though..
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rekt lol.
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I think RestasisRx has shown you can't argue. ROFL You just deflect and dodge. That's not arguing. That's pretending to argue.
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So I bothered you enough for you to notice?
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I'm not the one who put "Medical Professionals" in the box of "Surgeons" lol. I gotta say, you're a master deflector. I've never seen someone do it as naturally as you do.
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Maybe you should link him the rules.
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Yeah, show me the rules.
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So, you don't have the rules.

Damn, you sell yourself for 60/hr? That's better than the rates in Las Vegas for most street workers.
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Do you not know how forums work? When you leave a post, you're putting yourself out there to be commented on and replied to.

I was saying that you can't think critically because you use a lot of logical fallacies in nearly every discussion you have. I've never laughed so hard while feeling the strong impulse to facepalm from your horrifically embarrassing responses that, I guess, you classify as "Masterful debate."
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Oh, you're using caps now, and using ad hominem.

Someone's getting angry...
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Go through the comments and you'll see he lost his shit over time. Just look. Everytime I do, I start laughing.
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I'm not bothered by your behavior. I expect it of people like you. It's always the same - so predictable. I could write a book on it if I wanted. Like, one thing you're all good at is projecting. Well, you're good at a lot of things, but they're all logically fallacious.

Gas lighting, projecting, ad hominem, red herring, strawman.. it goes on.

I mean... We're talking fragile egos?

I haven't said one cross word to you and you're trying really hard to get under my skin. I've stated what I've observed you doing by pointing to your errors in thought. As I did so more and more, you descended deeper and deeper into your ravings.

And I'm the one not willing to admit fault? Okay. You're too easy to get riled up, too manipulable. I can see why 'Brophage didn't go on to talk to you because as I said, you're predictable. You're easily manipulated.

I learned about the habits of those who carry bruised egos from psychology. I've several books on it. Why do I have these books? Because I don't like reselling after I finish a class.

You already bore me as you're not doing anything new, you're just repeating the same thing over and over. I give you a walk-through by pointing out your failures, but you keep doing them. Alright, that's your prerogative.

Stay simple. :) Good night.
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Mocking people is a tell-tale sign of a compromised ego, a sense of inferiority or fear. That was my point. You seem to do it a lot when you're in a corner. All I'm saying is, if you wanna talk, I'm here for you. You're probably hurting on the inside, I get that. When you're in pain, you gotta lash out at others so you don't focus on the pain you're dealing with.
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"Multiple wildly offended comments suggest...nay, scream...otherwise...
Ah! A classic! When you have no argument, you accuse your opponent of being predictable. Well done, good sir/madam!
I'm pretty sure you couldn't write a flyer for a rave down the street, but just you aim for those stars, you!
More classics!
I expect "UR A DOODY HEAD!!" shortly.
Yes, dear, those are all things you have been doing in this discussion. Glad to see you acknowledge it.
Indeed. We are, indeed.
Translation: "I haven't said a bad word or been mean at ALL, so therefore I've been intellectually honest and respectful this entire conversation!!"
No one believes that but you.
...and it's clearly working, though I'm not putting in the effort you imagine I am, or that you are.
Oh please. You've done nothing of the sort. This is pure gibberish, meant to fool the idiots who can't pay attention. When pressed for examples of my "logical fallacies", you refused to provide one.
I mean, really, not everyone on imgflip is as stupid as you think they are.
You earlier: "I haven't said one cross word to you."
You now: "you descended deeper and deeper into your ravings."
First, child, disagreeing with lunatic Leftist nannies, who want to force everyone into obeying them, is not "ravings."
Second, child, you contradict yourself in the very same paragraph. attention, child, I'm going to educate you: do you think referring to someone's comments as "ravings" does not constitute a "cross word"...?
If you do, you're lying to yourself.
Yes. That is correct.
See? We agree!
~ ahem ~
Sorry, there, I got a little riled up. You were saying...?"

All that to prove I'm not getting under your skin? I'm flattered. I've already cited your logical fallacies, multiple times. I see no advantage in repeating them.

But, you're doing good, keep trying. :)
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Whoa, I just realized you wrote two whole pages to defend yourself. Triggered much?
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Wow, that was the most complete and accurate analysis of common knowledge I've ever read.

So what you're telling me is that the surgeon doesn't want the patient to get sick from the bacteria coming from his breath when operating on a patient. The surgeon, of good health. Got it.

So, when there's a respiratory contagion floating around, medical personnel would wear a mask to keep the direct particle flow aimed at you to a minimum. Because, your mouth is not as resilient as your skin, nor are your lungs because that's the muscosal membranes. You would have a higher risk of catching something that focuses its transmission on the airborne route if someone was breathing on you directly rather than having a mask

By using the surgeon example, you just re-affirmed what I've been saying.

I think you're what's called a useful idiot.
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I promise, I'm loving this exchange between you two even more.

Your desperation is palpable, seeing you struggle such as you do is just downright cathartic.
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I believe it was said that Oregon practices all of their measures. In spite of the riots, their cases are relatively low.

You're demonstrating you don't understand anatomy and physiology. You don't understand how susceptible the mucous membrane is to ailments - especially when it comes to the lungs. Also considering the virus' anatomic design relies and focuses on the airborne route.

Did you even take Anatomy and Physiology?

Yes, when a patient is cut open, you're past even the mucosal layer. You're exposed directly to the organs and muscle tissue. Beyond the serous membrane, there are no other defenses for your body.
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He clearly knows more about the human body than you do. How's that trying? Oh right. You're like Channing Tatum from 21 Jump Street who laughs at the kid for "trying" to study. Remember Tatum's character was actually broadly stupid?

I'm seeing a parallel.
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