I'm sorry if this opens a whole new can of worms, but do you still consider yourself gay because you're attracted to the sex "male" rather than the gender "male"? Or do you still feel like you're a bit closer to male so it feels like it's still the same "side" of the spectrum even though you're not male in the binary sense? I hope this doesn't come off as rude - I'm just genuinely interested. I don't know many non-binary people who aren't ace or pan. I just want to know why so few non-binaries who do have a preference still use the terms gay and straight rather than androphile (liking boys/men) and gynophile (liking girls/women). One reason could be that those words are still not very widely known but there might also be many more (all very valid) reasons to use gay and straight instead. Again, sorry if this sounds offensive - I'm not trying to tell you you're wrong in calling yourself gay or anything like that. If you feel that gay represents you best then you absolutely are gay. Don't let anyone, especially me, tell you otherwise. 😉