Let's take a million V-bucks into comparison: With the Mega Drop update thing in Fortnite, prices have gone down by 20%. Before the Mega Drop, (let us use € in this instance) 1000 V-bucks was €10, but now since it's 20% off, it's now only €8 for 1000 V-bucks. If we don't consider bonus V-bucks, 1 million V-bucks would cost €10000, because of this: ''a=10^n - v=10^2 = p=€10^(n-2) (a=amount, v=v-bucks per €, p=price)'', this what i said was before Mega Drop, now, take the formula thing, and reduce the price by 20%. For a million V-bucks without bonus V-bucks, it would cost €8000, because of the 20% price reduction. For price after Mega Drop WITH bonus V-bucks, idk the answer. Anyways, i hope that this was informative