I am so sorry i wasn’t in the room where it happened. I was too busy in Antarctica. The world was turned upside down - literally.
But today is the future, so history already has it’s eyes on you & your Hamilton references.
Matter of fact, history has it’s eyes on Hamilton the play.
Why do you type like you’re running out of time? Type these references like you’re running out of time?
The thing is, when you post one last time on Imgflip, who lives, who dies, who tells your story?
Why am I saying all this? I was not throwing away my shot. Though i am outgunned, outmanned, outnumbered, outplanned in making jokes about Hamilton, i am hungry to make more jokes. Just you wait. Odd that freedom can come thru song, but the world mentally was turned upside down.
Ik what you’re thinking now; What comes next?