Thank you for such a balanced reply. I agree. Left and Right Americans actually likely agree on 90%+ of issues. If we could come together where we agree, we could have much more productive political discussions. Your memes are often way left, but I make mine way right on purpose to try to counter-balance the craziness I see on the left. I amplify my own views, on purpose, to make a point. I often feel I give issues "the Trump treatment." Meaning, you can take any issue and treat it like the media/left treats Trump. I do that to make a point.
Reality is, I didn't even vote for Trump in 2016. I'm Republican, but I was concerned he wouldn't do a good job. I protest voted 3rd party. But, 2 things happened since 2016. One, Trump has done a much better job then I expected. Before covid (which isn't his fault despite what the radical left says) everything was booming. And two, he has been relentlessly attacked. Somewhere between Trump is a Russian spy and the Impeachment attempt I started defending him. The things people accuse him of are just too outlandish not to push back. So, I do.
I agree I'd rather see us come together as a nation. Biden won't do that because his platform is too radical. Biden himself isn't, but everyone behind him is. And, frankly, Biden's mind is toast. There is no way he'll be able to overcome his handlers in his current mental state.
We we need now is to recover our economy from Covid. I admit Trumps personality isn't great for pandemics... he is too optimistic. But, you know what he is perfect for? Making the economy boom. That's why he has my vote this time around. In case you want good news, I haven't voted for a President that won in decades. I'm worried my vote will mean he'll lose for sure ;) Thanks for keeping it civil.