Ok, this just proves you're not very smart.
1) you're getting your info from an infographic-- these things are very oversimplified, if you want to make a bold statement like that, you'll need more research
2) you're only taking the evidence that aligns with your point--- even when there is blatant evidence (on the same infographic) that proves your point is wrong, you choose to ignore it
3) you don't understand that small changes can have big effects.
4) you only showed me one infographic that proves your point; the other's probably didn't prove it, so you chose to ignore it
main difference is one is a political system, and the other is an economic system. Not really interchangeable. The people who use it interchangeably don't really know what they are talking about.
Also, next difference: things are owned by the state rather than privately. In capitalism, most things are owned by the private sector; this is what allows competition and innovation, and it gives a reason for people to work. Communism is completely a public sector; everything is handed to you by the state. Socialism is somewhere in between. Some things are handed to you by the state (like your job), but you still get to earn more if you work harder, and you still have some private property, although there is little to no private sector in terms of business. This does not push people to work as much as capitalism, but it's still better than communism, where everybody makes the same amount of money. This means that production rates will go down, because people don't have an incentive to work.
Next Difference: In socialism, people still have a sense of uniqueness: for example, there are still poor people, and there are still (arguably) wealthy people. In communism, everybody is equal: everybody has the same income. Also, people in socialism can have freedom of religion, whereas in communism, you need to control the masses, so you don't give them freedom of religion or freedom of speech.
These are the main differences between the two. However, if you see the difference between socialism and communism, the differences are around the same.
i suggest you read wikipedia or something to go educate yourself
something tells me i wasted my time typing because i doubt you'll actually listen to opposing views