Vinny:time to use my family technique that has been passed on for generations... R U N
Natalie: If you can stop me on my genocide run, then maybe...
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Cloudy Sans: Oh, I will. You wont hurt Lit Again.
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Natalie: Lit? I never hurt her...
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Cloudy Sans: Not yet.
Papy Lit: Hello Humans!
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Natalie: The real Sans couldn't stop me, he's dead...
0 ups, 4y,
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Cloudy Sans: ... Is that a threat?
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Natalie: Possibly...
0 ups, 4y,
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Cloudy Sans: *uses her tail and a force surrounds Natalie*
0 ups, 4y
*sips tomato sauce in the distance*
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Aly(pacifist Undertale oc): O_O
Natalie: -_-
0 ups, 4y,
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Cloudy Sans: Heh... Well. Here we are. Just you, and Me, Natalie. My Stick Danny died, and I wont hesititate to kill you. Know this.
0 ups, 4y
Aly: Okay...?
Natalie: -_-
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*She fires the giant gaster blaster hitting Aly*
0 ups, 4y
Aly: *dodges* BOI! I'm TRYING not to fight!
Natalie: Idiot, that's not how it works!
0 ups, 4y,
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Cloudy Sans: Well. It seems in past timelines you have indeed been VERY busy....
0 ups, 4y
Aly: Nani?
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Cloudy Sans: ... Well. Here we are again. Good to be back, Isnt it Natalie? Yes. But this time is differnt. Now I have the same power as you.And so, Once You give up... Ill become the most powerful in the AU Universe. Ill take your soul for a change. Ill reset the timeline. Ill bring my danny back. Youll never come back to this world.. Heh...... Were gonna have a F**KED UP TIME!
*The sunset sun shines thru the corridor*
*Cloudy Sans awaits your move*
0 ups, 4y
*several knives point at Cloudy Sans*
Aly: F**k...
Natalie: *glares at Cloudy Sans*
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*Cloudy Sans glares right back*
*She hops on A giant gaster Blaster*
0 ups, 4y
*the knives move closer, glinting*
Natalie: ...
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*Cloudy Sans spawns more gaster blasters and fires them*
0 ups, 4y
*they dodge them all, easily*
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Cloudy Sans: lets begin. *A bell rings in the distance*
0 ups, 4y
Aly: WAIT! You don't NEED to fight!
Natalie: Shut up
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*Cloudy Sans snaps her fingers and the area around them goes black and white.*
0 ups, 4y
Aly: Shit...
Natalie: *silent*
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Stickdanny:oh hi clou-*freezes in shock*
Fireball:welp, your cute little Cloudy is gone stickman.
Blocky:that’s just CloudDays’s discord pfp, calm down
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Cloudy Sans: Are you posative? *her eye glows more blue*
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Blocky:yes I think...
Stickdanny:*shakes in fear*
Fireball:yep, the actual Cloudy is gon-
Mixmellow:not really cuz this is just a discoed pfp.
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Cloudy: IM not gone!
Cloudy Sans: .. WHo the heck are you?
Cloudy: Im cloudy who are you?!
Cloudy Sans: Im Cloudy Sans....
Clear: ...oh no.
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Stickdanny:*notices* oh hi Cloudy. *hugs*
Fireball:damn it!
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Cloudy: *hugs back*
Cloudy Sans: EW Are you guys together.....?
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Not on my watch *yeets Cloudy Sans away with blue magic*
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* n o e f f e c t *
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.... Welp, I've done all I could do. *walks away* SIKE *traps her in a blue bones cage*
*teleports behind her* you know the rules, and so do I. *takes out Thompson Mafia gun* say goodbye
0 ups, 4y,
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Cloudy Sans: Ight. My turn. *she fires up two giant gaster blasters*
0 ups, 4y
*uses a gaster blaster's upper skull as a shield* pfft. I made attacks like that when I was a babybone
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*Cloudy Sans dodges*
0 ups, 4y
*grabs her with blue magic and slams her to the floor*
0 ups, 4y
*sips tomato sauce* oh, my soul is white. Cool
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Fireball:it’s a LONG LONG LONG story CS.
Blocky:Stickdanny admits that he loves cloudy and she admitted she loved him too.
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Cloudy Sans: ... My Stick Danny is dead.
Papy Lit: Hello Sis!
Cloudy Sans: Lit is the only left. Besides Queen Clear... But she's been locked in the ruins for years....
0 ups, 4y
*visible confusion*
0 ups, 4y
.......... *dead silent* *slams Sans Cloudy to the floor and stabs her with 3 bones*
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Stickdanny:wait, yours was DEAD?!
Fireball:Clear is the queen?
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Cloudy Sans: Yeah... he died a long time ago..... due to a human.
Papy Lit: Course she is! Just like How Pitch is king! :D
0 ups, 4y
*inhales* WHAT
0 ups, 4y
Fireball:let me guess, genocide mode?
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*Sans cloudy Spins on her Tail and fires bones at him*
(*Sans Cloudy Doesnt seem to care anymore....
0 ups, 4y
Stickdanny:*dodges the bones and slices one of them*
Mixmellow:there’s gotta be another way! *tries to think of something*
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Cloudy Sans: ... Well. Here we are again. Good to be back, Isnt it Danny? Yes. But this time is differnt. Now I have the same power as you.And so, Once You give up... Ill become the most powerful in the AU Universe. Ill take your soul for a change. Ill reset the timeline. Ill bring my danny back. Youll never come back to thsi world.. Heh...... Were gonna have a F**KED UP TIME!
*The sunset sun shines thru the corridor*
*Cloudy Sans awaits your move*
0 ups, 4y
Stickdanny:*throws an ender pearl to the direction Sans Cloudy is, teleports and slashes with Netherite Sword*
Mixmellow:how did he get that Ender Pearl?!
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Cloudy Sans: Alright. You will fight for her then. *She throws cloudy out of the way*
*Cloudy lands on the ground*
Cloudy Sans: Well. Here we are. Just you, and Me, Stick Danny. My Stick Danny died, and I wont hesititate to kill you. Know this.
0 ups, 4y
Stickdanny:*anger in his eyes* yeah and?
Mixmellow:*runs to Cloudy* are you ok?
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Cloriel: What the- Stick Danny?! Cloudy?!
Cloudy: Clear?!
0 ups, 4y
Fireball:am I being ignored?
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Cloudy Sans: This is the CLoudy who killed My stick Danny.
Voided Cloudy; What? I need the Hp OwO
Cloudy; That doesnt mean you kill people....
Voided Cloudy: Oho? Who's this? *she walks over to Cloudy*
0 ups, 4y
Stickdanny:don’t hurt her! *pulls out netherite sword*
Fireball:sheesh, a void, a sans, and an original. Thank GOD there isn’t an Underlust Cloudy.
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Cloudy: Hey! Leave stick danny alone! *she stands up and gets in front of stick danny*
*Sans Cloudy's eyes go pitch black* Well Well.. She decided to return.
???: *giggles*
Cloudy: H-huh...? *Another Cloudy stands between Cloudy and Sans Cloudy*
*The Cloudy had Dark Gray Furr and A Red and Blue Sweater, Holding a knife*
*she waves at Sans Cloudy*
0 ups, 4y
I am so confused right now :D
0 ups, 4y
Fireball:the hell is going on?!
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Cloudy Sans: Did you not know? There are more versions, of her....
Cloudy: *wimpers*
*A bell rings in the distance*
Cloudy Sans: Well would you hear that.... This fight is destiny.
0 ups, 4y
Stickdanny:*runs in front of the actual Cloudy and pulls out netherite sword and bow and arrow* I’m not letting you put your hands on MY girl!
Fireball:holy shit.
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Cloudy Sans: *tears up* She... Killed him... Right in front of me...... I.... Right in front of my daughter...
Cloudy: Wait, Daughter...?
Cloudy Sans: In this universe I have a child.
0 ups, 4y
Fireball:holy shit!
Stickdanny:wait wha-
Mixmellow:sans cloudy has a child? *tries to figure out how to revive a dead person*
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Cloudy Sans: *chuckles coldly* Alright....
*She snaps her fingers area aroudn them goes red and white again*
Cloudy Sans: ...Sorry Mom. This is why I never make promises.
Cloudy Sans: Its A F**ked up Day outside...
0 ups, 4y
Stickdanny:*eyes start to get angrier*
Fireball:this match will get RED hot!
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*Cloudy Sans Spawns more blaster and fires another at Cloudy*
Cloudy: *huggs Danny as she dissapears*
Cloudy Sans: *huff Puff*
0 ups, 4y
Stickdanny:*more tears come out his eyes* NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Mixmellow:Cloudy!! :O *gets the spell book and searches through to find a spell to bring back Cloudy’s soul and Cloudy in that order*
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Cloudy Sans: *her eyes go black* Are you threatning me, swine......?
0 ups, 4y
Weenie Burger:sorta.
Stickdanny:*still hugging the actual cloudy* I thought I lost you!
Fireball:Weenie Burger’s just pissed off
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*Cloudy takes a deep breath and comes back*
Cloudy Sans: . . .
0 ups, 4y
Stickdanny:*still having tears in his eyes*
Mixmellow:Cloudy, your back! B-but how?!
Fireball:probably the power of love.
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Sans Cloudy: No. By Gray Cloud.
Papy Lit: Yeah He's evil! Fwehehehehe!
Sans Cloudy: *pats Lit's head*
0 ups, 4y
Fireball:oh... OH SHIT!
Stickdanny:I can’t believe I died in Sans Cloudy’s world.
Weenie Burger:yeah, and she’s an actual wolf *walks away*
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Cloriel: IM from this dimension....
Voided Clear: *throws a knife at Clear*
Cloriel: *catches it with her paw*
Cloudy Sans: I suggest you guys to leave...
0 ups, 4y
Mixmellow:*gulps* I-I’ll be right back guys *goes into Sans Cloudy’s dimension with the antidote* whee!
Stickdanny:you tried to kill us Sans Cloudy, so..
Fireball:oh brother!
0 ups, 4y
Nah, I'll stay here.
1 up, 4y,
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Cloudy: *looks at the mercy button* Cloudy: Stick danny! Try mercy!!
Cloudy Sans: *Lunges at Stick Danny and tacklling him to the floor with a bone dragger*
0 ups, 4y
Stickdanny:ok. *presses the mercy button*
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Cloudy: Be careful you could have hit me!! >c<
Voided Cloudy: Ugh...
*A Fire hits Voided Cloudy*
Voided Cloudy: OW!!!
???: Stand Down, My Child.
*Clear comes out of the corner with Lit*
0 ups, 4y
Stickdanny:*still confused*
Fireball:What the f**k?
Mixmellow:are they from other dimensions?
0 ups, 4y
1 up, 4y,
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*One of the gaster blasters hit Cloudy*
Cloudy: ! *her soul breaks* *she coughs up a bit of blood*
0 ups, 4y
Stickdanny:CLOUDY! *runs to her* cloudy, no.. *cries*
Mixmellow:NO NO NO!
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Voided Cloudy: Hello Cloudy~
Sans Cloudy: *Spawns a Gaster Blaster*
Cloudy: ??!?!!
0 ups, 4y
Fireball:what is happening?! Now there’s three of them!
Mixmellow:oh shoot!
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*Sans Cloudy get shit but still stands*
Sans Cloudy: Hit me alllll You want stick boi.
*Sans Cloud raises her paws and jumps on Gaster Blaster* *It makes a wrrrr noise and fires*
0 ups, 4y
Stickdanny:oh the things I do for love! *dodges the blaster and shoots arrows*
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Cloudy: *slides forward* H-hey!
Sans Cloudy: Since A cloudy Killed my Sitck Dany, Ill take this worlds one away!
Sans Cloudy: But... Before I do... A question. Cloudy. Do you think that even the worst of furries can change?
0 ups, 4y
Stickdanny:thi-thi-THIS WORLD’S?!
Fireball:well, shit!
Mixmellow:*tries to press the mercy button but stops to think*
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Cloudy Sans: ...
*The bells stop*
Cloudy Sans: *has a flash back of her and Her Stick Danny* *she grunts a bit* Allright. I will give you one chance to stand down. Turn back. If you take one more step forward... There is no going back.
Cloudy: Yeah... Im ok... *she looks at Stick Danny*
0 ups, 4y
Stickdanny:*eyes shine* stand down? After you threaten to hurt Cloudy? NO!
Mixmellow:uh Stickdanny?
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*You decide to give Cloudy Sans Mercy*
*She stops*
Cloudy Sans: Mercy.......? After what she did......?
0 ups, 4y
Stickdanny:did what?
Mixmellow:I could try and revive her Stickdanny.. is that even possible?
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Cloudy: My head hurts.... *Cloudys Furr was slightly dark gray*
Cloudy Sans: Hm.
0 ups, 4y
Mixmellow:*puts an ice pack on Cloudy’s head* this will help...
Stickdanny:*looks at Sans Cloudy* you monster!
Fireball:*takes the thing to bring Sans Cloudy’s Stickdanny back* hmm..
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*Cloudy's soul comes back but differnt*
*The outlining was gray*
0 ups, 4y
Mixmellow:oh... no need for this *puts it away*
Stickdanny:*still crying*
Fireball:guess I’ll play this. *pulls out a radio and plays the Valiant Hero music from Henry Stickmin*
Stickdanny:*sees the soul* C-C-Cloudy?
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Cloudy Sans: Poff... she tried to fight her off.... Even her Determined Form wasnt enough.
Hiyori and Pitch are the only ones left besides me and Lit.
Cloudy Sans: Dont you see..? *She spawns Gaster blasters all around the area, including Cloudy*
Cloudy Sans: I have to do this. *The gaster blasters charge up*
0 ups, 4y
I can see that this au confuses me even more then before *sips tomato sauce*
0 ups, 4y
Fireball:HOLY SHIT!
Mixmellow:Aaah! *finally has a way to revive dead people*
Stickdanny:OH F**K! *stabs every gaster blasters in the area* You can’t just blast us into dust...
Mixmellow:I found a way!
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*Sans Cloudy Chuckles slightly*
She snaps her fingers and the area around them goes black and white*
*Lit's Blue soul appears in front of them*
Cloudy: eh?! **Cloudy has a purple soul*
0 ups, 4y
Stickdanny:the hell? **stickdanny has a red soul**
Fireball:this isn’t good.. I have a feeling Sans Cloudy wants to end the actual one.
Mixmellow:what’s this? **Mixmellow has a Cyan soul**
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Cloudy Sans: Fine. Be my guest and stay here -_- Not my fault if you die.
*Voided Cloudy lunges at Cloudy*
0 ups, 4y
Stickdanny:CLOUDY! *goes in front of Cloudy and kicks Void in the crotch* TAKE THIS!
Fireball:Oh! That’s gotta hurt.
(In Sans Cloudy’s dimension)
Mixmellow:ok I’m in, now all I need to find is the dead Stickdanny in this universe. *looks around*
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Voided Cloudy: I wasnt -_-
*Sans Cloudy fires a Gaster Blaster At her hand*
Sans Cloudy: b a c k o f f .
0 ups, 4y
[deleted] M
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alwayzbread: warps in
what the heck is this
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*confused Italian skeleton noises* *looks at Cloudy* *looks at Cloudy Sans* *looks at Cloudy* *looks ta Cloudy Sans* *continues until is head spins and he feels dizzy* *even more confused Italian skeleton noises* *falls* ouch
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Cloudy Sans: Woops.
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I require assistance *pukes*
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Cloudy Sans: How does a skeleton-
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Ok.... Go on.....
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Clear: I will literally f**king shoot you.
0 ups, 4y
Ok. I deserve that ;w;
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Clear: As if May seem, I play the role of Toriel, Cloudy is Sans, Lit is Papyrus, Poff is UNdyne, Hiyori is Alphys, Pitch is Asgore, and Well, Cloud is the player.
0 ups, 4y
Oh. Now my mind is more CLEAR *pun intended*
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I stopped thinking about logic a long time ago. My dad died from earth attack and skeletons don't have hearts
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Papy Lit: Hello Sis! What is this.... er.....
Cloudy Sans: I dont know either sis.
0 ups, 4y
*coughs* ight Imma head out *teleports away*
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Clear: *sigh* Want me to explain?
0 ups, 4y
Clear: *sigh* My Creator as a Undertale AU Called ImgTale, where basically, Everything in this AU Revoles around Imgflip.