She should meet Slueth then
Also here is what I have written so far for the fire elves
Larvae (0-3)
Larvae are baby fire elves who do not have their fire yet. They can be burned easily as they do not have any immunity yet.
Transition test; None, when they can summon fire they become wyrmlings
Wyrmlings (1-6)
Wyrmlings just got their fire and are being taught to control it as well as Hierarchy and purpose. They can still be burned quite easily but they have more of a resistance to heat.
Transition test; When wyrmlings turn 4 they have a test every month to test their ability to control fire when angry and knowledge of basic eleven traditions. When they turn six they have it every week.
Wyrms (4-13)
Wyrms are children who can control their fire and learn to preform more advanced but still basic control and movements. They are devoted to Hexerian and protecting the secrets it holds. Some of them begin to build a strong resistance to flame.
Transition: Wyrms have a test 4 times a year that tests responses and basic control, if they pass they become a novice.
Novices (10-15)
Novices Begin to learn how to respond to invaders and signals and attacks. They can only be burned with extremely hot flame or lava.
Transition: tests happen once a year, or month for elves who are 14, it requires the ability to preform all signals perfectly as well as being able to create an assortment of fire weapons. It also tests for things they should have learned as a wyrm
Trainee (11-16)
Trainees compete their training as fire elves, they perfect their skills and specialize in different skills, such as healing, lava Channeling, battle, concealment, and more. Some might even be chosen as an apprentice to a Council member or even the magister.
Transition: They must either have completed a section of study or be promoted to apprentice by one of the council members. The tests on this stage are the hardest of all and most leave completely drained, wether they pass or not.
Agent (15+)
Agents are completely trained elves, they still practice constantly, but they are fully educated and are considered adults. They will never be promoted, this is the final stage in their training.
Apprentice (12+)
They have extraordinary skill in one of the sects and are trained directly by the council member that chose them. They are privy to the secrets of Hexerian and are h igher rank than agents.