HOLY SHIT, you are beyond stupid! Yes, PLEASE, please,please - I'm BEGGING YOU! GO TO A TRUMP RALLY!!!!!! don't wear a mask! The less we have of things like YOU, the better the world will be. PRAISE JEBUS!
HAVE FUN IN OPPOSITE WORLD. What is going to happen to morons like you when you FINALLY realize you believed in a LIE? Actually - Psychiatrists are preparing for the collective psyche crash as we speak. You people are in for a world of psychological pain. Your brains can't sustain your false reality forever. We TRUTH comes crashing down on you, many of you will not survive. And we'll add you all to the #TrumpDeathCount.
He is INFECTING HIS OWN FOLLOWERS at his super spreader events! AND YOU DON'T CARE! YOU ARE WILLING TO DIE FOR HIM! followers that he hates, loathes and despises. One day, you will realize Trump has been FEEDING on you. He HATES you, but he will feed his bottomless ego with you and your insufferable MISPLACED adoration.
HE CALLS YOU "DISGUSTING PEOPLE"! Out of his own vile MOUTH - he calls you "disgusting"! He BLESSED the virus - because now he "doesn't have to touch those disgusting people."
I ultimately pity his followers. The crash coming is going to crush many of you - and you know it. You know, deep down, he is a LIAR. And a 100% FAKE. You just can't handle the fact you got 100% suckered.