First, there are tax calculators & financial advisors. Second, English is not just "knowing words", again. Do famous authors, journalists, people like that - are they just "good at English"? No, they are highly gifted! Additionally, your statement about math being actually applicable to life is incorrect in most cases. Never did I actually need to utilize math in life, nor will I need to later in life (again, tax calculators/financial advisors). Furthermore, being 10 years ahead in the essential subject of English is much more impressive than being two years ahead in the essential subject of math. Is yours not impressive? No, it is, but not nearly as much. Think about it. A whole decade really isn't more impressive than two years? Two years is more than plausible, while 10 years is practically impossible. Exactly what percent of children do you think have the vocabulary of someone twice their age as opposed to children who have math knowledge two years ahead? Two years is not able to compete with a whole decade. Also, stop dissing English; English & math are the main essential subjects. It's not just "vocabulary"; it's also writing skill, reading comprehension, & several other factors that collectively build up to what we call English. If English & math are the main essential subjects, then it is indisputable that 10 years more knowledge in English is much more valuable than the same with math but only two years. Period.