Also redditors follow PewDiePie for some reason, Felix plays Minecraft and these "White knights" bully Fortnite players to death, and even peer-pressure them to buy Minecraft or make their go***mn MC bed red
Reddit; Says whatever will make him dat karma and Reddit shillings; Created some of the best memes to reach the internets; Steals most of it's content; Thinks they're a secluded zone 4 cool kidz despite being the "main page of the internet"; REDDIT MOMENT!!!! Speaks his mind, no matter how unpopular his opinion; Doesn't care if you call him a mean word; 99% of their website is just 4Chan; Based and red pilled; Will defend any random women to oblivion; Is an atheist but admires Islam; Ruins literally every meme it gets its hand on; abuses them to the unfunny oblivion of normidom; WHOLESOME 100; Like facts, does not care about your feelings