Star's BackStory; Star was originally a RiverClan cat, her mother was RiverHeart and her father was DarkTail, who wasn't a clan cat. DarkTail took Star from RiverClan and Star was raised as a kittypet for a few moons. Star eventually ran away with her littermates and they formed a new clan, BloodClan. Although Star was very small, she was very powerful as well. She'd fight off dogs, rouges and other invading animals and took teeth or claws as 'trophies' and eventually her collar had the teeth and claws in it. BloodClan orginally lived in the twoleg place but, the clan grew to large so they decided to move to the gorge and they've lived there since. Moon, one of Star's littermates was killed by a ShadowClan cat, he was fighting in a tree and the tree brach broke, landing on top of Moon, killing him. Star was devestated but moveed on and lead BloodClan.