WHO WILL WITNESS TO THE WITNESS? [Remember to love them to Jesus; don't try to win a debate.]
Jehovah's Witnesses believe Jesus is the Archangel Michael. But even
in their unique version of the Bible,
the "New World Translation,"
it still shows Jesus is God
(who they call "Jehovah”).
1. At the door, in their NWT Bible, ask
them to show where it says Jesus
is Michael the Archangel. They can't.
2. About Michael (in the NWT) from
Daniel 10 & 12: "One of the
foremost princes," "the prince of
[Daniel's] people,"
"the great prince who is standing,"; 2a. About Jesus (in the NWT): "Lord of Lords and King of Kings" (Revelation 17:14, NWT). That title expresses a much higher level of authority than “foremost prince.”
3. Michael is "The archangel [who]...did not dare to bring a judgment against [Satan] (Jude 9, NWT)." Michael did not dare rebuke Satan, but Jesus did: "Go away, Satan! (Matthew 4:10, NWT).”
4. The angels worship Jesus so He is superior to angels: "For to which of the angels did He ever say, 'You are my Son, today I have begotten You'? and again, “I will be a Father to Him and He shall be a Son to Me?” And again, when He brings the First Born into the world, He says, “And let all the angels of God worship Him.”
5. Angels refuse to be worshipped (Revelation 22:8-9) but the Father commands His angels to worship His Son, Jesus (Hebrews 1:6).
The NWT changed "worship" to "obeisance" (bow) in 1970.