I highly appreciate this kind comment fellow gamer. All sarcasm aside, while I respect your opinion regarding your favorite game (and enjoy the game as well), memes such as this have become rather mundane. In addition to mundanity, it comes across as a, "yo, shout out to all the Minecraft bois out there, Fortnite is for dumbos!" Which, in turn, makes anyone that enjoys Fortnite instantly defensive, causing them to turn to the downvote button.
If you prefer to create memes that just drill anyone who likes games other than Minecraft into the ground, do it. I will be completely fine, but knowing that you are a memer, I know that you want to make people laugh. Making something that will make some laugh but potentially offend others is not the greatest way to do that. If you want to truly make others laugh, make something that you know a lot of people can relate to and won't offend anyone. It can be hard and might take a lot of work, but it's the best way to go.