- if they have blue eyes it will be fine, but if someone or I guess something has blue eyes with a silver shine to them DO NOT TRUST THEM OR ANYTHING THEY SAY. They are being aqua's puppet, wich means what they are saying or doing is NOT them it is Aqua, if their eyes go back to normal that means it is that person doing/saying whatever. The easiest way to break someone out of aquas control is strong emotion, negative emotions being the weakest and positive emotions being the strongest, in order from weakest to strongest they are: anger,Disgust,Fear/paranoia,sadness, happiness, love. So if anyone has been controlled by Aqua go down the list from weakest to strongest emotions with love being your second to last resort. If NOTHING, I mean absolutely NOTHING ELSE works, death or torture has a SMALL chance of breaking the control. But make sure you try everything
Else first before trying extreme pain.
- if you want a character to have glasses and/ or also have a good sight color, make it a pastel or muted version. Same for if you want a character with red eyes but not really sh*tty eye sight, make it a dark red by mixing it with black or making it a brownish red! But again please do not ignore the fact that no matter what red, white, pink, orange and yellow eyed characters will have bad eye sight, or that green, blue, purple, black and brown eyed charcaters will have really good eye sight.
If anyone has any questions about anything related to this, ask me! Also this will be really important to the story (being the story I don't have a name for) on multiple occasions. And if you want to make a character for this universe, PLEASE DO NOT ignore any of this information because of that.