Idk... Mine can take 20+ mins 2 even sign in2 it. It locked me out of it 4 over an hr 2day (which was why i disappeared 4 so long earlier lol) & i had 2 use ctrl alt delete 2 even get 2 where i could access it... Lol
Is urs a computer or a laptop or anything portable?
laptop, mine takes like more than half an hour to boot up, lol, I find it funny that we are comparing out computers, but not the normal way, and we want ours to be worse than each other's LOL
Ikr? Lol
Btw the 20 mins is if i'm just trying 2 get in2 an account. If i'm turning the pc on b4 that then that's another 30+ mins.
We once had a youth group zoom meeting & this conversation came up b/c a someone said "Boo Dell!" & that started a "which machine is better or worse conersation" lol
actually i'm on a windows too. Windows + period gives u free access 2 lots of emojis lol
it's not like apple tho, where there are 3D emojis & 2500+ of them.
ye we used it 4 a long time too, until our computer broke down, & the warranty 4 windows 7 expired, so we figured getting windows 10 was cheaper & better than fixing what we had lol