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Sunny tossed in her bed that night. She didn't eat dinner or speak to any of her family and she had ripped her sheets. She wanted to die. Her father was getting worse and there was nothing she could do.
Sunny's mind: Wait... There's one thing...
Sunny got up and put clothes, a blanket, a pillow, and her Teddy into her sister's vacation suitcase, and checked the time. 9:58. Her parents and sister usually go to bed at 10:00. She heard her parents and sister's footsteps. Her father said he loved Lucinda, and Lucinda replied the same.
Sunny's mind: Perfect.
Sunny slipped out of her room and down the stairs to the kitchen, where she grabbed $154 dollars and a bus card conveniently placed on the table. She made a mad dash for the door and flung herself out of it into the worsening rainstorm. She looked at her phone.
Sunny's mind: The storm is going to get worse... I need to get to the bus quickly.
Sunny jumped as a hand grabbed her shoulder. She thought she'd turn to see her father, but there stood Allie, Completely soaked and wearing a backpack.
Sunny: Allie? What are you doing?
Allie: Going with you.
Sunny: Oh, Allie you shouldn't have left you family-
Allie: There's nothing for me here.
Sunny blinked back tears and hugged Allie very tight and Allie stroked Sunny's back. The two started navigating the long wheat feild and eventually they reached the road. they head down it, discussing locations they would go to. Allie suggested the closest town, YellowBrooke, but Sunny turned it down entirely, saying it was too close. She mentioned the big city of Lichen Junction, the Pinlo Capital of the world. Allie thought it was a great Idea, so off they went to the bus station down the road. the rain continued to pour and Allie got really tired so sunny carried her. On she trudged till she reached the station. She took out her bus card and put Allie down. they pooled their money, food, and linens and put them in Allie's backpack. they waited for half an hour, watching people get on and exit busses until the bus to the next town over showed up. Sunny supported Allie as they got on the bus. She flashed her card and went to the back. Allie shivered and Sunny wrapped her in a blanket. They watched the trees blur to buildings as they approached the inner city. They waited for the next bus at the station, then they rode the next, and the next, and the next until they reached Lichen Junction. They immediately booked a hotel and when questioned why they're