The Legend of the Ronian Murders
Chapter 1: 1 Year Before "The Incident"
I woke up on that warm summer day. Little did I know, my whole life would come crashing down 1 year later.
Chapter 2: The day of "The Incident"
I woke up in horror, as there was blood on the walls. "Beware of him" is what was written in the blood. I walked downstairs to see everything broken, blood on the walls, and my family missing. I grabbed a knife, as I dialed the number. 911. 15 minutes later, the police arrive. I tell them, "I woke up and they were missing." The police replied with a hasty arrest. The police officer said in a gruff voice, "why did you kill your family, call us, and lie about it?" I replied with, "I woke up and this was here. I didn't do this."
Chapter 3: The Asylum
Those police men shoved me in their car, drove off, and an hour later, I'm in a cell. I thought to . myself, maybe I'm in prison. Wrong. A lady in a nurse outfit comes to my cell and hands me pills. Take your meds, she said in a calming tone. As I take my meds I think to myself, wait, I don't take any meds.