As for me, i've never voted out of suspicion the person i'd vote to be prez would only be prez & not monarch & that not enough people would vote for said entity even if i did, and the vote would have been therefore wasted anyway...& furthermore, no such entity exists, and it's my guess we'd be better off without a prez, or a monarch, for i see no proof beforehand (or after) that for sure every one in the universe & all animals and plants & what not will be better off with x person as prez than y, for all the future, universally speaking, or even just globally speaking, or that x or y or any other letter as prez is better than having no prez, amid this land where power is balanced twixt the prez and executive orders & the constitution & 'laws' & the supreme court and congress & the senate & the popular vote & the electoral college and the voice of the people and 'shadow string pullers' interacting with 'gov' and 'citizenry' both, & so many ongoing problems unsolved that for all i know could be solved without a prez, or with the right prez, etc. what percentage of people who shall vote for Biden or Trump upcoming in november this year are going to vote for one of them not because they believe either is best suited to be prez of all people eligible (lots of 'eligibility requirements' maybe messin it up or helping it out stuff) people who would be willing to take the job, who they could vote for if they wanted, but because they figure for sure either way by far most Americans who shall vote shall vote for either Biden or Trump & therefore one of them is going to win & so as to make their vote count at least some in their minds, whether it counts anyway or not, they figure they better pick the better of the two worse compared to at least one or millions of other people they figure would be a better choice but who have no shot at winnin' cuz most vote either Dem or Repub, candidates? what percentage think both candidates of any past or upcoming election are/were HORRID options for p/President & still stamp or cyber or hand write & mail etc. their votes for one of them anyway for a variety of reasons? whatever the percentage, i'm not in it. i figure the world would be better off without money too. what's the point in 'swearing to uphold the constitution', which isn't to say no part of it is ever worth following, but ought not we make exceptions when 'the right' or 'the good' or 'moral' or 'kind' or 'helpful' or 'wiser' thing to do is disobey it outright? ETC.!