A new thingy (not a closed species) These human like creatures where once human,but then died in a twisted,tragic death after doing something really bad. This one is based off of depression/anxiety
But each (I'm still deciding on the name) represents something like the dark sides in sanders sides. Example: one that lied their whole life might die from lying to someone about where they are going,then getting kidnapped,and dying. So in the "after life" they might be based off of a fox or something that relates to lying. For the most part these entities are one solid color with black or white,
But even though it almost never happens they can be a gradient of 2-3 colors. They Almost always have disembodied floating heads or hands/feet sometimes corresponding to how they died. Either has angel,demon,a mix of the two,or switching wings,a halo (broken or not) and sometimes horns. You can make your own characters like this if you want,but please don't say it's your species. And show me the character you made! (If you want to)