-Over my "street" district's gang are many skaters: administration has built extreme sports park, so they training, in masses - several of tricks (Ollie, kick flip) since years ago. I'm prefer parkour deal, to proceed back flip from objects equally to self person height, looks dangerously, but girls like it (surely man). Sk8ers also could to take a traumatic situation: gone out wrists by falling on ground from making technics, but in acrobatics it must be more deadly cause big chance to drop on cement floor with innocent uncovered neck. There many attractions where may learn to catch fear in hands & lately be more brutal, however just saying, it's very nervous: when you climb over target, above normal man size (vertical degree means), the legs starting betraying, receiving coward's thoughts (better to simple jump, for why this risk), otherwise, you already afished your manner to perform, so here single style & watching performance crowd will remember it for whole latest life, it's driving my mind crazy, keeping business clear between seducing chicks ;).