Swarm - Minecraft
Rocketello - Kerbal Space Program
Pixie - Barbie games
Cake - Muddy Heights (don't ask)
Hearnaghettis - Carrion
The Judges - Ace Attorney
Regigalax - Pokemon Diamond and Pearl
HostilE E - the 1995 build of Mario 64
Cheese - Pokemon Snap
0V-Shockwire - Hacking
Vibe - Just Shapes and Beats
Hollow - Google doodle
Ro-Cat - The Cat Games
Dog-Slayer (Anti Ro-Cat) - PUSS
Ed Fort Liss - Universe Sandbox
Excalibruh - LOZ Skyward Sword
Neutral-B - Call of duty
Satan - Goat simulator
??? - Dark Souls
Omni - DOOM
Mr. E - Flash games