First of all, thank you very much for upvoting my meme. Second of all, if you're going to read me the Riot Act for my take on the upvoting situation, please spare me. If it's your desire to ban me from a certain stream, go for it. I'm not changing my mind.
What you and a lot of other people don't understand is that this site has actually gained a lot of popularity due to the points system. So many of you guys have actually turned this place into a freaking social media chat site, point system be damned. And that's not fair to those of us who strive to gain points in order to make the weekly leaderboard and/or the top 250.
And I do not like the attitudes of those people in here who not only ignorantly abstain from upvoting people's memes and comments, but actually do so DELIBERATELY! And then they belittle us 4 wanting our memes and comments upvoted!
Please excuse me for my harsh words if this isn't why you said we need to talk.