Don't get me started...Yorktown because I get patriotic and goosebumps and I love it
Nonstop because it's awesome
Burn because besides Requiem from DEH it's my number one song to sing in the shower
Same with satisfied
King George's songs because they rock
One last time because I love Washington's farewell speech ot also gives me goosebumps
i love guns & ships, my shot (minus all the bad lyrics in it), satisfied, helpless, wait for it, the room where it happens, & why do you write like you're running out of time, just off the top of my head.
yeah i've had that & why do u write like you're running out of time & guns & ships in my head today. wait for it just got in, too.
also i saw lego movie 2 late last night 4 the 1st time & so a few songs from there r in my head too...