The solitary reason for a person in a financial crisis not adding a request for funds to this list is preconditioned disbelief.
Asking for what's needed without explanation as opposed to begging is the key to receiving.
You should recognize this post as a working example of the principle, "Ask and you shall receive."
Do not deviate from the simple instructions. Do not explain your needs here.
I'm sure they're all legitimate concerns.
We all have legitimate concerns that are fully ignored by all and always will be.
Limit your request to the least amount needed to make immediate problems disappear.
Money should be a governor on resource usage, but with current resource wastage levels, the only real benefit of a financial system has been rendered meaningless. Any more, it's not protecting the world from over-consumption. It's keeping score in an endless game of losers.
Finances need to improve drastically....for everyone.
Take a few moments to study my unworthy though correct answer to our current crisis.
Create a wave of change.
Post the amount you need and trust that the very worst that might come of it is nothing. That much is guaranteed if you do nothing.
People telling a beggar to get a job are oblivious to the simple truth, that begging IS a job.
Begging is the worst and least respected job in the world.
Begging is a humble profession with low nonrestrictive entry requirements, -but I'm not begging.
Nor should you.
Ask. Don't beg.
Blaming poverty on the poor does nothing to change a single life.
They shouldn't need to ask, let alone beg.
Every opportunity to help should be seen as a blessing rather than receiving the curse of indifference.
Suspend your disbelief and allow for my happiness as well as your own.
You can discredit anyone's hopes and dreams as unimportant to anyone but themselves,
or you can learn to believe what you have been taught not to believe.
Belittling anyone's ambitions removes much of the possibility of those dreams ever becoming real.
Don't view your own worth from those cold unfeeling eyes that taught you to how to compete for survival.
By acting on a seeming impossibility, you make it immediately possible.
A better approach to solving your immediate financial crisis may be possible, but nothing is more difficult for you than believing this post can help you.
Nothing will be simpler for everyone who follows your example.
Be the one example that proves all possibilities begin where impossibilities are ignored.