Yes! And might I add that when you fake depression for attention, other people who are actually suffering from it might be less likely to seek help for fear that they might be seen as just seeking attention/lying.
Ok I want to address a topic that's really important to me... Depression. Fake depression, to be exact.
Depression is not some fun trend that makes you look cool, it's a mental illness that can lead to someone ending their life. You shouldn't fake a depression. People often fake depression so that they can gain attention or fit in with a group. If you don't have depression, don't fake it. If you truly think you have depression, you should talk to someone like a trusted adult or a close friend about it. People who wear black all the time don't always have depression. It's a choice of clothing and their clothing choice shouldn't make people thing that they're depressed. There is also A FINE LINE between emo and depressed. Depression is a serious thing. Personal symptoms that I've had when I discovered it were suicidal thoughts, constant sadness, and a feeling of uselessness or emptiness. Stay tuned for next week's lesson on real vs fake anxiety.