just stop...trying to reverse globalism and socialist policies is Making America Great Again. getting us out of Obamas shit deals is MAGA. when RINOs and Dems step in the way, you can do so much.
so he tried but cant, guess he is no where near dictator status. you mad because he slept with an over paid hooker, okay. is he an evil genius or a dumbass, you cant decide. you mad because he has a hot wife? media is, thats why they glorify that basic bitch Michelle. after 2 years of wasted tax payer money, Dems had nothing. Dems keep trying and trying to throw mud, nothing sticks now Dems just want America to burn so they can say, "see, its Trumps fault". again, economically, America was bouncing back up from failed Dem led policies pre-COVID. you just mad because you have no purpose in life other than being mad to be mad like the DNC and the good for nothing RINOs. do you really just want globalism, socialism, a failed economy, real racism so you can stop making shit up, and Trump is standing in your way? just say it, than i know your mad at Trump for something. if you dont want those things, why are you mad?