I respectfully disagree. I think wearing a mask is important in places like NYC and Chicago and other metropolises, but it is a far overreach to require it of all citizens in the country, or even all citizens in any given state. Based on the data that continues to trickle out, this disease continues to mutate, every second of every day, and as time passes, this coronavirus' virility decreases. Italian doctors have concrete evidence that the disease is declining in severity. I have also read it may have just become easier for the virus to infiltrate human cells, so that is there too. Regardless, in limited places I can agree that masks are a good idea. Are they going to do a great job at slowing the spread? That is debatable, and I would argue that a mask does not do a great job stopping a molecule that is 1 or 2 microns in diameter. Masks may be better than nothing, but they aren't going to protect others and yourself like the politicians mandating them are telling y'all. They act like they will keep you safe, for certain, when the truth could not be further.