You're literally regurgitating talking points that I already debunked
1. Again, the statues were erected during the Jim Crow era to glorify confederates and to intimidate blacks, not to preserve history. Most of the statues today are funded by taxpayer dollars, many of which comes from blacks who either lived during the Jim Crow era or had parents who lived in the Jim Crow era. That would be like a person who had a family member die in 9/11 be forced to use their taxpayer dollars to fund a statue of Osama bin laden. BuT iT's tO pResErVe HiStorY! If you actually want the statues to be remembered historically, put it in a private museum.
2. Again, do you seriously believe regular people learn history from a statue in the park? Give me a f**king break. Do you also seriously believe, that by removing confederate statues, everyone will start forgetting what the Confederacy was? Again, give me a f**king break.
3. I mean, it's just a statue of hitler? Sure, your taxpayer dollars go to its renovation and he killed your parents? But, ya know, just ignore it! It's to preserve history! Do you know how your dumb argument can literally be used to defend anything reprehenisble?
4. I seldom watch CNN and MSNBC, and I think they're terrible outlets. Nice strawman though.
At the end of the day, I really don't care too much of the confederate statue controversy, because in reality, it's only symbolic, not substantive change. At least it's a start though. I think the liberals that think that removing statues is the end all be all are way over the top and I also think people like you who think removing statues will cause people to forget history are also extremely ridiculous.