The largest black lives matter site on facebook was run by a white man from Australia for profit and to stir up hate and discontent in the USA. Even Fake News CNN said that was true! CNN The biggest Black Lives Matter page on Facebook is fake! Sad people being played by Pelosi and the Democrats wearing Kente Cloth, Joe "You Ain't Black" Biden and some white dude in Australia stirring up hate and discontent and profitting from it!! SAD!!!!!!! CNN Article here, Dang I thought I would never post a CNN Article! 🤣🤣…/fake-black-lives-matter-…/index.html
Candace Owens tells it like it is! Her Viral Video already has over 85 MILLION VIEWS!! Hope everyone watches this and sees that she is the one correct!! Not Fake News, Not Democrats, Not Liberals!!! Stop falling for the BULL SHIT NARRATIVES these traitors put out!! She states what happened to George Floyd was wrong and the Cop should be punished. However she is not uplifting a person who was high on meth and fentanyl . Who had drugs on him when he was arrested. Who had a lengthy police record that included him brutally beating and robbing a pregnant woman. She refuses to do what Democrats and Fake News does and uplift Black Bottom Feeders. "It is Absolute bullshit" I am tired of pretending these people are heroes to the Black Community! If you agree please SHARE!!!