Oh yeah lol I totally have online work but last day of online work. Fun e thing In march we got daylight savings and I witched school would get cancelled so we could adjust to daylight savings but I got out of school on Friday the 13th March 13th after school. It was originally going to be 2 weeks due to covid but then it was May 4th then the rest of the year!
What a coincidence, I got out Friday the 13th too, the only difference is that we were going to come back May 1st but got the rest of the year off. Good thing Jason couldn't get us.
yeah I had what I like to call 5 days of freedom Friday Saturday Sunday Monday and on Tuesday night, we got a message stating that we had to do worksheets and athomelearning organizer. Then the next week we started doing zoom meetings and I didn't show up the first day because I didn't even know what zoom was and I didn't know that we had 2 show up 2 one? btw when ur last day of online work
yeah in 1910. So it looks like you can do all of your online work all at once but 4 me it's day by day exept weekends if u didn't finish. Got 2 get offline. Goodnight! xD
I’m pretty much blind without my contacts or glasses
I have adhd
Can’t remember what I had for lunch yesterday
Always hungry
Never sleeps
Doesn’t know what emotions feel like
When people ask how I’m doing I say I’m doing just fine I lied I’m dying inside
Always is up and looks fine but isn’t
A little bit psycho(explains the account name)
And that’s it