Democracy = Mob Rule--The biggest mob makes the rules.
Any one person with bucketloads of charisma & a wide speaking platform can sway the opinions of large numbers of people in whatever direction they desire.
51% of the voters can literally strip all Rights away from the 49%, but end up losing those same Rights for themselves.
Examples: Germany was a Democracy before the rise of Hitler & his Socialist Party; Classical Era of Greek history was a Democracy until infighting between various (charismatic public) "leaders" as they competed for power & influence caused their downfall.
Tyrants LOVE Democracies because they so easy to subvert & destroy the nation & change it to totalitarian authority. there's nothing great about Democracy in the first place.
So far, there are 6 nations in the world that have banned George Soros & all of his "humanitarian" organizations; The US is currently working on being the 7th.
The USA is a Constitutional Republic; government by representation. There is no mention of Democracy in the Constitution at all.
So, your point about Democracy is?