yeah I had just read a Karen post about how "OmG ThIs IS SO OPPresSIve, Why DOn"T HAvE OnE SO ThEY ShoulDNDT GET One!! OMG GAYs Are RuiNiNg EvEryTHing BlaH BlaH ANd Oh AboU T MArrIAGe ANd ChILDern OmG MaRRiage Is A StRaiGht ThinG aNd CHilDerN ARe InnOcEnT AnD shOuLdn"T BE ExPoSEd To ThAT'
Like some of my straight friends joke (Ex; Omg we should hop on the band wagon) about it but the ones who are legit about it just make me mad like ain't nobody been Beat up, killed, discriminated, oppressed just on the bias of being straight
No one ever had the conversation "Oh yeah Dwayne? yeah He likes Sandy! " "Omg let's go beat him up and dump him in the ally"
Like no you cannot have one and no we can have a marriage and children
I rather give Chili Peppers a month god dammit