Honesty, I'm not a hater on tik tok, some people make good use of it, posting artwork, fashion, gameplay, animations, POVs, and stuff. What really bothers me is the people who record and post themselves dancing to some song. I just don't see the point. During my passing period at school, or lunch break, I normally see girls propping their pones against the wall, and doing some sort of dance to a song. While I, just want to use the bathroom without feeling uncomfortable. I mean, I would like to want to use the bathroom without some people dancing infront of my stall. Wouldn't you? It just feels like I've been dragged into a cult, and there's no escape from it. I'm not trying to be that type of person to say that the internet is a bad influence to children,( I mean, my sister watches Youtube everyday and she's becoming dumber than a rock ) but please... do your stupid cult dances somewhere thats not in public OR the bathroom...