it's official, this man deserves a handshake but I can't do that now so you can know that you have the respect and love from a fellow guy. I salute you and all other great memers like us
It’s actually not the schools saying those things: it’s our politicians and non-educator administrators who have not spent much time if any in a classroom or with students to find out what the real deficiencies are.
Very accurate. Because 99.9999999% of teachers are assholes and the chance of you finding the other 0.0000001% is even lower (0.000000000000000000000000000000000000001%)
Bruh, I'm about to give you a life lesson, the teachers will seem a lot nicer if you don't judge by what other people say and you try to get to know your teacher and be nice. Not begging but upvote if you agree.
Sure sometimes they suck at teaching but most of the time they are not mean untill you are mean to them. They just trying to make money and they are not required to be nice so if your mean they will be mean.