Well that is an arguable point but I live 20 minutes away from Kirkland Wa.where that nursing home is and watched this all playout from the beginning on local news/radio talk show broadcasts.
There was talk of it and things were done at SeaTac the CDC was here but even after the first two deaths around the 28th of February (and if I remember correctly there were less than 4000 cases world wide)the news/cdc still didn't seem to call any real alerts to the severity of what was to come till the CCP Virus began running through that nursing home like wildfire.
Hind sight is always 20/20 and it's easy to look back at where it started and point fingers but the reality of it is because of Xi and the WHO the CDC,my state and our government were grossly misinformed about what was to come.
We were told it was from people eating bats in a Wohan food market and we weren't told about it's infections dangers.
We were told it's not airborne so we didn't need masks but just told to just wash our hands...then as time went by we had to figure out all the the things on our own that China knew before the virus ever hit our shores and even after they were still denying our CDC access to Wohan.
So yes had we known we could have done things differently but we have never had to shut down the country like this before in modern times and with all the other new viruses over the years like the bird/swine flu we always did like the last administration and let it run its course...back in 2009 in the same time frame we'd already had 30 million infected Americans,can you imagine the shape we would be in now with that many infected with covid19
Anyway stay safe and keep hating on Trump if it makes you feel better.
personally I'm pissed at The Communist Party of China and the WHO