Thts the beautiful thing about America...for now....freedom of speech and everyone has a right to an opinion. Enjoy it. Cause if Trump has his way we are on our way to a state controlled dictatorship. It starts with creating an enemy out of the media. Narrowing down the information that is available to the public. And only allowing beneficial propaganda to be released. If he had his way...thats how it would be. One step closer to a dictatorship. I dont know about you. But i live in and love America. Making it great again he is not. In my humble opinion. That is.
0 ups, 5y
Well then after 3 years of trying to get him out of office, he is still here. Maybe you need to find more evidence to get him impeached. And no, if it was a dictatorship then he will be kicked faster than Micheal Phelps on a 100m.