Sky: *draws his multi-tool again, this time pointing it at the rabbit*
John: Sky, put that away, it’s obvious no one is trying to attack us or steal the ship.
Sky: always be suspicious of everyone, but if you insist I’ll put the multi-tool away. *puts the multi-tool away*
Blue Charizard: if they were to try and steal the ship, I would immediately kill them.
Sky: does anyone know where we could get ship parts? I’m afraid I have no way of leaving without my star fighter, I at least need the parts for the launch thrusters. *sees a sentinel in the distance* Your kidding me right? Even when we are in an alternate dimension they still manage to follow us. *draws the multi-tool and blasts the metal pod* Well, we should get out of here before it’s reinforcements arrive.
Blue Charizard: what did you just do?
Sky: just destroyed a sentinel.
Blue Charizard: how did follow us here?
Sky: don’t know, but we should leave before it’s reinforcements arrive.